Fernando Jose Capeletto Neto
Electronics Systems Engineer, Software Development Engineer  
CV - Education - DevOps - Cover Letter - Extension - GPS Curriculum


U.S.A. Green Card Holder
E.U. Citizenship



31MAY2022 - TBA B.V : Letter of Reference

01SET2020 - CREA-SP Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy of the State of Sao Paulo:
Professional Registration Certificate and Notes: Original Document

19AGO2020 - Innovation, Technology and Science Ministry of Brazilian Federative Republic - Minister's Office - Minister's Office General Coordinating Department :
Official Normative Instruction n. 25490/2020
Commendation Referential Terms: Original Document - Certified Translation (Letter & Appendix)

30SEP2019 - Brazilian Navy - General Directorate of Nuclear and Technological Development of the Navy - General Coordination Office of the Program of Development of Submarine with Nuclear Propulsion :
Service Order N° 74-76/2019
Dismissal of Function and Thanks: Original Document - Certified Translation

12MAR2015 - Brazilian Navy - General Directorate of the Material of the Navy - General Coordination Office of the Program of Development of Submarine with Nuclear Propulsion :
Service Order N° 75-17/2015
Thanks: Original Document - Certified Translation